Our Story
Quinn Architects is a full service Architectural Consultancy whose roots go back to 1952
We do not have an office style but prefer to treat each project as a separate process with client and architect working together as team to achieve success in terms of function and design. In each case, we strive to find an appropriate solution that responds in the best way to the complex matrix of issues that every individual project presents. Quinn Architects is registered with the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI).
The practice has always undertaken a wide variety of projects in the residential, healthcare, education, commercial and infrastructure sectors.
We believe that there is a richness that comes from such varied experience. We have completed a wide range of projects including new build, extensions and refurbishment work including Protected Structures. We encourage you to review the Projects Section of our website which is design to offer an overview of our varied portfolio of both large and small scale projects from a range of project sectors.

Quinn Architects is a full service Architectural Consultancy whose roots go back to 1952